Hi everyone and welcome to Sheep Farm transcript blog where I’m going to publish my research and the information used in the Meet the Flockers series of exposes. This was Sheep Farm 29 Nadim Zahawi MP.
At the time of writing Nadhim Zahawi was the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Nonsense ArmSpear Deployment.
I felt we could not miss him out because of all the overlapping research we uncovered on him. He is another dangerous individual, a corrupt man intertwined with all the usual accompanying shenanigans. Like, dodgy business deals, bloodlines, banksters, and intelligence services.
I would like to point out that I have not included everything in this presentation that shows the corruption, and evidence of wrongdoing. We would have been here all night if I did so. What I wanted to show was an overall flavour of who he is.
I have been in business all my adult life, we all have to earn a living and we’ve all been corrupted by the system, in fact using money alone means we probably all have blood on our hands, we have been corrupted by lies & deceit, but we have no intention of hurting anyone. We wouldn’t knowingly take advantage of people who are in bad situations.

Zahawi sums up all that is wrong with opportunistic capitalism, he is a harbour shark, happy to take what falls off the boat at others expense, whatever the price paid the end game always outweighs the pain caused. Just as long as the pain is someone else’s, as we’re seeing with the ArmSpear casualty list.
I’d like to thank Gary Jordan author of the book C-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies which is a must read, for anyone interested in these subjects.

Also, David Teacher author of Rogue Agents which also contained excellent information about Le Cercle.

And finally, for the fantastic information available on their website.

I also was helped by my friends Lorraine & Sam with additional research info, and thanks to any other sources I used but didn’t mention.
As always, I will only use the mainstream sources.
Just who is this Flocker?
Alright welcome to Sheep Farm 29 and another in the Meet the Flockers series. Nadhim Zahawi or Emperor Ming as our Chris calls him, is a dangerous individual indeed, a man cloaked with conflicts of interest, desperation, greed, and links to big business. A vulture willing to pick the bones of his fellow people just to get ahead, he’s another pawn who’s being protected by the cabal, another Teflon kid, an untouchable reprobate and pathological liar.
His past is also cloaked in intrigue and took quite a bit of digging to get the real truth, he has a very dubious personal story. He seems willing to lie and deceive to get what he wants, and he seems to be operating for unknown forces that are pushing him to the top in business and government, just like a lot of these cretins in power currently.
The thing with Zahawi is that he seems willing to follow orders to the T. Just to get ahead. Regardless of the consequences, he’ll even go on TV and lie.
He went on TV and told fellow liar Piers Moron his uncle had died of the nonsense, like Hancock he has no shame, because he knows that the nonsense test is well nonsense.
Also, he has dubious business connections with offshore holdings, he’s been accused of fraud, and he was part of the shamed MP & author of fiction Baron Jeffery Archers team. In fact, several prominent tory MPs who were incubated protégés of Archers, we have MPs Kwasi Kwarteng, Javid, Priti Patel, Zahawi & Stephen Kukowski now called Shakespeare and a couple more. He is also a member of a secret group that is only invitation only, he was chairman of this secret group which is almost certainly run by British intelligence.
So, how can this man be independent when he is a prominent businessman, he’s greedy, manipulative, competitive, corrupt, and willing to sell us all down the river for his own progression up the ladder. He, his wife and Father have amassed a property empire valued at £100m and climbing, most of which has been acquired while he has been in office.

And now he’s coming after the children, and freedom. What is more startling is that this episode is not really about Zahawi, he is the lead character, but it’s about the groups that are secretly controlling this nonsense playing out around the world with other Zahawi’s, right in front of our eyes? It is a financial take over, a spiritual take over, that will effectively make humans zombie robot slaves for ever. All while the world’s population are asleep at the wheel?
And we that’s the royal we, we who are tuned in to this nonsense and can see the con, well, we are the only ones awake, we are the resistance, and I’m afraid we’re the only ones left to fight my friends.

Brief Background
Born in Baghdad on 2 June 1967, to Kurdish parents. At the age of nine, he and his family fled to the UK from Iraq in 1976.
Despite being refugees and according to Zahawi arriving in the UK penniless, his father later going bankrupt, he still managed to attend private schools (junior & secondary), Ibstock Place School and then at King’s College School, an independent school in Wimbledon (a member of the Eton Group of schools).
He then went on to attend the prestigious University College London, where he studied Chemical Engineering, receiving a BSc. Today, those schools charge nearly £8k tuition per academic year from age 9 and up.
Does that sound like the typical penniless refugee who came to the UK with nothing and after a bankruptcy that took his father’s finances.
At the age of 18, Zahawi says his father bankrupted the family when he invested everything he owned, including the family home, in an American start-up venture which failed spectacularly, resulting in the bank repossessing everything except his mother’s Vauxhall senator and forcing the family onto welfare. Despite this, the family somehow found the money to send Zahawi and his sister to 2 private schools and the prestigious University College London to study chemical engineering. Zahawi says his choice was to become a cab driver or go to UCL. Again, something about this does not ring true with me. Today UCL has living expenses for undergrads of £11-15k and £9,250 tuition fees per year. Perhaps it was different in the 80s, but I do know it has never been cheap to attend one of the top 10-20 universities in the world.
In just 9 years his father managed to earn large sums of money to be able invest in US start companies then loose it all, that is some feat, how much money is unknown.
Also in regards to private education is this really someone who is bankrupt would be able to do?
Zahawi said of UCL that he enjoyed his degree, but never wanted to practice as a chemical engineer.
Instead, he wanted to ride horses and was a ‘good jockey’. His ambition was to be an international show jumper. Refugee? Prestigious private schooling? Horses? But penniless?
This sounds like another nonsense narrative building story. After graduating from university, he set up a ‘small business’ with a friend ‘focused on property’ but after the housing market crashed in the late 80s, switched his focus to starting another business selling colour changing t-shirts and sold 3 million of them in 18 months.
One observation I have here is both property and selling millions of anything requires quite some considerable cash flow or equity. Much more than a typical post-grad student has lying around, especially from a supposedly bankrupt immigrant family.
From selling T-Shirts, he went on to work as ‘European Marketing Director’ for Smith & Brooks (distributors of children’s t-shirts) and then in 1991 he met Baron Jeffrey Archer (although it’s not clear how they met) and worked as an aide in Archer’s fraudulent ‘Simple Truth’ campaign for impoverished Kurdish refugees.

In 1994 Archer helped Zahawi get elected to Wandsworth council, and in 1998 Zahawi ran Archer’s failed London mayoral campaign where he met future business partner Stephan (Kukowski) Shakespeare. Who will we come to further on in this presentation?
Coventry Live said in 2013-
The metropolitan Kurd is apparently far removed from the blue rinse Tory stronghold of Stratford. He grew up on a Sussex farm, with a love of horses, before his family moved to London, and he attended several public and private schools.

One question that keeps popping into my head is:
Where did his bankrupt Iraqi immigrant father find the money to fund his 2 kids through prestigious private schools & universities, buy horses, own a farm and go show jumping?
Jeffery Archer Baron Archer of Weston-Super-Mare
Zahawi’s Early political career started in 1991 when Zahawi and fellow Kurd Broosk Saib (below) were aides to Jeffrey Archer during Archer’s controversial “Simple Truth” campaign to help Kurdish victims of the Gulf War.
Zahawi and Saib were nicknamed “Lemon Kurd” and “Bean Kurd” by Archer.

In 1994 Archer helped in campaigning for Zahawi to gain a seat on Wandsworth council. Zahawi also ran Archer’s unsuccessful campaign for Mayor of London in 1998. Jeffery archer is the epitome of a British MP, corrupt, pathological liar, a Lord, and worth apparently $200m he was jailed for libel, after a newspaper accused him of being with a prostitute, in 1987 he lied as did his friend Ted Francis who later came out and said Archer had asked him to provide a false alibi for the night Archer was alleged to have been with prostitute, Monica Coghlan.
Angela Peppiatt, Archer’s former personal assistant, also claimed Archer had fabricated an alibi in the 1987 trial. Peppiatt had kept a diary of Archer’s movements, which contradicted evidence given during the 1987 trial. Andrina Colquhoun, Archer’s former mistress, confirmed that they had been having an affair in the 1980s, contradicting the claim that he and Mary Archer had been “happily married” at the time of the trial.
Coincidentally, the perjury trial began on 30 May 2001, a month after prostitute Monica Coghlan’s death in a road traffic collision.
What secrets did poor Monica take to her grave I wonder?

People like Archer are the type of individuals given the task of mentoring these politicians now in power, MP’s like Zahawi, Javid, Patel, Kwasi Kwarteng and more.
Priti Patel worked for a Global PR firm Weber Shandwick, while there she worked with British American Tobacco (BAT) the huge tobacco firm, selling the virtues of smoking. Weber Shandwick’s parent company is Interpublic Group on the NYSE with a $10bn revenue, Mrkt Cap $14.6bn, The Vanguard Group, Inc. 11.29%, BlackRock Fund Advisors 7.33%
Sajid Javid who is a good friend of Zahawi, Javid joined Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City immediately after graduation, working mostly in South America. Aged 25, he became a vice president. Chase is a Rockefeller bank, during the early years of World War II, the German government sold a special kind of Reichsmark, known as Rückwanderer Marks, to American citizens of German descent. Chase National Bank, along with other businesses, were involved in these transactions. Through Chase, this allowed Nazi sympathizers to purchase Marks with dollars at a discounted rate.
The bank is also closely associated with and has financed the oil industry, having longstanding connections with its board of directors to the successor companies of Standard Oil, especially ExxonMobil, which are also Rockefeller holdings.
JP/Chase is worth $468.24bn, Vanguard Group, Inc. 14% – BlackRock Fund Advisors 4.31% Javid was an investment banker where he rose to become a Board member of Deutsche Bank International for 18yrs.
He left Deutsche Bank in 2009 to pursue a career in politics. His earnings at Deutsche Bank would have been roughly £3,000,000 a year at the time he left, and the Evening Standard once estimated his career change would have required him to take a 98% pay cut.
Does this make sense to anyone?
Please listen to the Patel & Javid presentation (Sheep Farm 49 Meet The Flockers Enemies of State 2 (Javid & Patel)
Kwasi Kwarteng MP Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Kwarteng went to Eton College, Trinity College, Cambridge, Harvard University on a Kennedy Scholarship. He has considered veganism to combat climate change. Before becoming a member of parliament, Kwarteng worked as a columnist for The Daily Telegraph and as a financial analyst at JPMorgan Chase and other investment banks. In May 2021, Kwarteng opened a new electric car battery plant in Oxfordshire. Called Johnson Matthey, they are a British multinational speciality chemicals and sustainable technologies company headquartered in London, England. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. They have revenues of £14.5bn and a value of a cool $5.8bn. African cobalt is used to make batteries for electric cars, which uses slave labour.
All in the name of the Global Climate Warming Change Agenda.
Guess who the biggest investors are. BlackRock, is currently the largest shareholder, with 11% of shares.

Like Zahawi, Kwarteng is also a member of the invite only secret group Le Cercle. These people are inserted into these secret groups, trained and mentored by people like Archer (Masonic Arches).
Then like Manchurian Candidate sleeper cells they’re poised ready to be engaged when the time is right.
I wonder what future promises have they been given to carry out the devil’s work?

Simple Truth Charity
- Archer set up a Charity with Zahawi and his mate for the oppressed Kurds, but there is more to this story, much more in fact, that involves the different Kurdish groups, oil and weapons.
- But here is the official story,
- When Saddam Hussein suppressed Kurdish uprisings in 1991, Archer, with the Red Cross, set up the charity Simple Truth, a fundraising campaign on behalf of the Kurds.
- In May 1991, Archer organised a charity pop concert, starring Rod Stewart, Paul Simon, Sting and Gloria Estefan, who all performed for free.
- Archer claimed that his charity had raised £57,042,000, though it was later revealed that only £3 million came from the Simple Truth concert and appeal, the rest from the British and other governments.
- Archer was made a life peer on 27 July 1992 as Baron Archer of Weston-Super-Mare, of Mark in the County of Somerset.
- Prime Minister John Major recommended him largely because of Archer’s role in aid to the Kurds.
- Archer and Major had been friends for several years
- There is also a possible link to Archer and Intelligence agencies, in the book Jeffrey Archer: The Kurds “The Simple Truth”
- In 2004, the government of Equatorial Guinea alleged that Archer was one of the financiers of the failed 2004 coup d’état attempt against it, citing bank details and telephone records as evidence.
- In 2009, Archer said: “I am completely relaxed about it. Mr Mann [Simon Mann, the English mercenary leader of the coup] has made clear that it’s nothing to do with me.” In 2011, Mann, imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea for his role in leading the failed 2004 coup d’état but released on humanitarian grounds later, told The Daily Telegraph that his forthcoming book, Cry Havoc, would reveal “the financial involvement of a controversial and internationally famous member of the British House of Lords in the plot, backed up by banking records.” He claimed documents from the bank accounts in Guernsey of two companies Mann used as vehicles for organising the coup, showed a ‘J H Archer’ paying $135,000 into one of the firms. Jeffrey Howard Archer, Baron Archer of Weston-Super-Mare.
Zahawi’s Politics
Zahawi was elected as a Conservative councillor in Putney in the London Borough of Wandsworth, serving three terms from 1994 to 2006, and stood as a parliamentary candidate at Erith and Thamesmead in 1997, coming second to Labour. In 2010 Zahawi was selected by the local Conservative association for Stratford-on-Avon as a prospective parliamentary candidate in the 2010 general election and he was elected. He was subsequently re-elected in 2015, 2017 and 2019. In October 2013, he became a member of the Number 10 Policy Unit.
Later in October, Zahawi and fellow member of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee interviewed Lazard, the Government’s independent adviser on the sale of Royal Mail. Shares quickly rose to £5 following flotation at £3.30 and the Financial Times claimed that two investment banks had warned that it was under-priced.
The Iraqi-born British politician has served as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business and Industry since 2019 and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment since 2020.
A member of the Conservative Party, he has been Member of Parliament (MP) for Stratford-on-Avon since 2010. Zahawi is vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Kurdistan Region in Iraq, which receives secretarial support from Gulf Keystone Petroleum International, an oil company of which Zahawi is Chief Strategy Officer.
Concerns have been raised about how MPs’ independence might be compromised by such links between APPGs and private companies, and specifically, about how Zahawi’s connections with the oil industry affect his role as MP.
Conflicts of Interest;
- Zahawi has been co-chair or vice-chair of this APPG since it was established in 2008/9, alongside other MPs including Meg Munn and Jason McCartney.
- And was, until January 2018, chief strategy officer for Gulf Keystone Petroleum.

Gulf Keystone Petroleum
- Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited (LSE: GKP) is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company operating in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and also the operator of the Shaikan oil field.
- It was listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange on September 8, 2004
- It has 600 employees,
- The company was founded by UAE, Kuwaiti and US private equity firms and has been registered in Bermuda since 2001, with branch offices in Erbil, Kurdistan and London, UK. Through its subsidiary, Gulf Keystone Petroleum International, the company owns production sharing contracts for one exploration block in Iraqi Kurdistan.
- I think we can safely say it is a Tax Free off shore company in and a British protectorate of Bermuda.
- Shaikan is an oilfield in Northern Iraq, in which Gulf Keystone Petroleum currently holds 75% of a production sharing agreement with the Kurdish Regional Government. Nowhere does it say it’s owned by the Kurdish people.
- It is notably one of the largest Super Giant oilfields discovered in the last 50 years. The Shaikan oil field has a production capacity of 40,000 barrels per day
- The company is worth £339.21m and is owned by all the usual investment houses, like BlackRock and Vanguard (who own 4% of UBS, and UBS own 6.93% of Gulf Keystone)
- So, during the mass arm spearing and the lead up to it, Zahawi was working for the very investment companies that owned the stock in all of the companies involved in the nonsense.
- While selling his fellow Kurds down the river and pretending doing to help them via spurious charities and policies.

After the retirement of previous Conservative MP John Maples, Zahawi was elected for Stratford-upon-Avon at the 2010 general election. Zahawi joined Theresa May’s government as Minister for Children and Families in a January 2018 reshuffle. In July 2019, he was made Minister for Industry at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, under the premiership of Boris Johnson, and in November 2020, he was given additional responsibility for the COVID-19 vaccination programme as Minister for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment at the Department of Health and Social Care. Zahawi was co-founder of international Internet-based market research firm YouGov of which he was chief executive until February 2010
During the time he was on the Foreign Affairs Select Committee he was also chairman from 2015-18 of the secretive trans-Atlantic group Le Cercle but did not declare his membership. In 2019 a member of his staff was listed as an administrator of Le Cercle in the Parliamentary Register of interests. Le Cercle is an interesting group, which we we’ll go into later
In February 2021, Zahawi said there were no plans to introduce vaccine passports to travel abroad, describing them as “discriminatory”. He said people could talk to their doctor if they needed written evidence to travel.
Evidence of Expense Fraud
In 2012/13 Zahawi claimed for a total of £170,234 in expenses, ranking him the 130th highest out of 650 MPs. He explained in his local newspaper Stratford Herald that the “vast bulk” of his expenses was on staffing costs. In November 2013 Zahawi “apologised unreservedly” after The Sunday Mirror reported that he had claimed £5,822 expenses for electricity for his riding school stables and a yard manager’s mobile home. Zahawi said the mistake arose because he received a single bill covering both a meter in the stables and one in his house. He would repay the money though the actual overcharge was £4,000.
An article in The Independent also drew attention to the large number of legitimate but trivial items on Zahawi’s expenses. Zahawi’s various roles resulted in him reportedly being the second highest earning MP in the UK as of 2017. His declarations in the “Register of Members’ Interests” included (as of November 2015) the following employment and earnings: non-executive director of the recruitment company SThree (monthly salary £3,333) and Chief Strategy Officer of Gulf Keystone Ltd, monthly salary of £20,125. He is also a 50% shareholder of Zahawi and Zahawi Ltd and holds shares in SThree and YouGov.

In the Register of Members’ Interests of 9 February 2015, he also declared shares in Genel Energy plc, an Anglo-Turkish exploration and production company within the oil and gas industry. His declared property interests are: “Residential property and 31 acres of land in Warwickshire, with stables run as a livery yard by Zahawi and Zahawi Ltd; residential buy-to-let property in London, divided into three flats; a house in London (Putney), rented out from 30 June 2015; and commercial property in Surrey, purchased on 29 September 2015 and rented out through Zahawi & Zahawi Ltd”
It’s no wonder then that in January 2016, Zahawi voted against the Labour Party amendment in Parliament that would have required private landlords to make their homes “fit for human habitation”.
According to Parliament’s register of interests, Zahawi was one of 72 Conservative MPs who voted against the amendment who derived an income from renting out property. The Conservative Government responded to the amendment that they believed homes should be fit for human habitation but did not want to pass the new law that would explicitly require it.
Zahawi & Zahawi Ltd is a business consultancy company registered with Companies House as “other business support service activities”, with its registered address at the same Warwickshire stables Clients of Zahawi include the research and consulting firm YouGov plc, of which he was founder and continues to be a registered shareholder.
The Guardian reported in early 2017 that Zahawi had spent £25m buying property around London, for both personal and commercial use. Zahawi said in response that “My first priority, before anything else, is my constituency work and I would never, or have never, let anything get in the way of this.” In November 2013 it was reported by the Birmingham Mail newspaper that in May 2011 (one year after he became an MP) Nadhim Zahawi used as a mortgage lender Berkford Investments Limited, based in the low-tax British overseas territory of Gibraltar, to finance the purchase of his constituency home ‘Oakland’ riding stables estate (worth at the time £875,000)
Berkford Investments Limited is managed by T&T Management Services Limited, which advertises its wealth management services as ‘setting up and administering trusts to help the wealthy minimise or avoid property taxes’. Zahawi responded to the news story by saying: “I did pay stamp duty on my property in Tysoe and have always paid stamp duty on my property purchases.
He said ‘to suggest that in any way I am using offshore to reduce my tax burden is entirely incorrect.
SThree plc is an international specialist staffing organisation, founded in the United Kingdom and headquartered in London. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE SmallCap Index. SThree pays Zahawi £3333 per month. It has revenues of over £1.2bn and a market cap of £673.96m. On the face of it what has a recruitment company got to do with anything, well nothing until you see who they recruit. A lot of Tory MPs are wanting to privatise the NHS, and Zahawi is one of them. A blog called the reported, and I quote word for word a section of the blog.
In 2011, there was a debate in the House of Commons about a piece of legislation called the “Health and Social care act”. It was controversial, as the bill included reforms that would mean private companies coming into health care and being able to make profit from the NHS.
Many MPs had doubts but during the debate, Nadhim Zahawi made a passionate speech in support of the bill and described it as a “brilliant piece of legislation.”
From 2013, thanks to the passing of the bill, several companies started to get contracts for various services within the NHS. One of these was a recruitment company by the name of SThree. In April 2014, The Mirror reported that over a 10-month period, SThree received contracts worth £2.6million. To sum up what occurred during this phase of privatisation: Tory MPs supported a bill which would bring private companies into the NHS.
The bill passed.
Companies, such as SThree started to make profit from the NHS. But what’s so curious about Zahawi’s connection to all of this? Well, Nadhim Zahawi just happens to be a director at SThree and according to the Daily Mirror, he earns £2,917 a month for that job.

Genel Energy
- Genel Energy operates in the Kurdistan area surprise surprise, not
- It has a Market cap of £386m and Zahawi own shares in this company.
- I found this part interesting
Genel Energy was created in 2011 because of the reverse acquisition of Turkish Genel Enerji by Tony Hayward-led investment company Vallar PLC.
Vallar PLC was set up by Tony Hayward, banker Julian Metherell and financier Nat Rothschild, the heir apparent to the title of Baron Rothschild, held by his father. Rothschild is also a naturalised Montenegrin citizen
These are the people he works for or companies he has been given shares in by these characters, while working in governmental positions that is a conflict of interest on steroids

Following US President Trump’s executive order that banned travellers from several Middle Eastern states, Zahawi reported that, despite being a British citizen, he was unable to enter the United States, as he was born in Baghdad, Iraq. The ban also affected his wife. According to a media report, this prevented Zahawi from visiting his children attending college in the US.
Zahawi spoke out against the policy and urged that the UK should not turn a blind eye to it. He also argued that the travel ban, and Prime Minister Theresa May’s failure to condemn it, only fuelled support for Isis in Iraq and other countries.
This didn’t stop him, in July 2021, when he announced plans to introduce domestic Covid vaccine passports from September as a condition of entry to nightclubs and some other venues with large crowds.

YouGov is a British international Internet-based market research and data analytics firm, headquartered in the UK, with operations in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. YouGov was founded in the UK in May 2000 by Stephan Shakespeare and future Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi. In 2001 they engaged BBC political analyst Peter Kellner, who became chairman, and then from 2007 to 2016, President. In April 2005, YouGov became a public company listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange.
Major shareholders of the company are BlackRock and Standard Life Aberdeen. BlackRock & Vanguard also own stock in Standard Life Aberdeen PLC. You Gov has revenues of £136m and is valued at £1.38bn. YouGov specialises in market research and opinion polling through online methods. The company’s methodology involves obtaining responses from an invited group of Internet users, and then weighting these responses in line with demographic information. It draws these demographically representative samples from a panel of over 12 million people worldwide.
As YouGov’s online methods use no field-force, its costs are lower than some face-to-face or telephone methods. Founder Stephan Shakespeare owns 7.417% of the company, giving him a value of around £190m in shares. The strange thing is Zahawi does not own anywhere near this amount
Nadhim Zahawi, who was Chief Executive until Feb.2010. When YouGov was set up in 2000, one of its biggest shareholders was Zahawi’s Balshore Investments, based in tax haven Gibraltar. Balshore received around £112,000 in dividends from YouGov in 2017.
Backed by huge investment firms like BlackRock, in 2006 just six years after being founded, they went on an acquisition spree, buying up international companies, spending around $70+ there was $1.2m for Dubai-based research firm Siraj. In 2007 they added Palo Alto, CA based US research firm Polimetrix for approximately $17 million, Scandinavian firm Zapera for $8m, and interestingly the German firm Psychonomics for $20 million.
Psychonomics describes an approach to psychology that aims at discovering the laws that govern the workings of the mind. The field is directly related to experimental psychology. The word is used most prominently by the Psychonomic Society, a society of experimental psychologists in the United States and around the world.
The YouGov slogan is ‘What the World Thinks’ or what the world is made to think
In business this is called consolidating the market, buying, and plugging in established companies, but what I don’t understand is that the 2 founders had no experience in online businesses, or in this type of company or of buy and build strategies or floating a company?
Where did the initial money come from to set up?
And yet after 5 short years it had floated on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange attracted huge investment houses, Black Rock & Standard Life and spent around $100m buying up companies.
You GOV are also partners of the World economic forum

All to control or convince people that other people are thinking a certain way, YouGov are used by the Government and have been during the current propaganda campaign
Imperial College London
Just to make the waters a little murkier, You Gov have partnered with none other than Imperial College London which is at the centre of mass mental manipulation of this nonsense.

This is what their release on the ICL website says.
We’re tracking how people across the world are responding to the coronavirus pandemic. Our global survey, launched in partnership with YouGov the first week of April, is collecting fortnightly data from 29 countries to explore the public’s attitudes and health behaviours as the situation evolves.
Through this survey we’re monitoring how compliant individuals are with COVID-19 safety measures, such as self-isolation and avoiding unnecessary travel. We’re also looking into a range of other relevant behaviours and measures, from hygiene to quality of life.
- So, the Minister for vaccine deployment and shareholder in YouGov is working for a company funded by Welcome trust, The Gates Foundation, GSK, and more
- They also have several SAGE members from ICL pushing the nonsense narrative, I could go on, but I won’t.

I think the clue is in the name, YouGov how do you get away with that name they are not a government department, well not officially anyway, they are an opinion grabbing company that are all over this nonsense.
It probably gets away with this because to me it looks like an intelligence set up as we shall see in a moment., when we turn our attention to a few of the characters involved, starting with the apparent co-founder and major shareholder. Stephan Shakespeare or to give him his proper name Stephan Kukowski.

Stephan Adrian Kukowski now Shakespeare (born 9 April 1957) is the German-British co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the British Internet-based market research and opinion polls company YouGov. In 2012, Shakespeare was appointed as Chairman of the Data Strategy Board (DSB), the advisory body that was set up by the government to maximise value of data for users across the UK
In October 2012, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Cabinet Office ministers announced that he would lead an independent review of Public Sector Information; the “Shakespeare Review: was published in 2013. He has been a member of the Government’s Public Sector Transparency Board, The Public Sector Transparency Board was established by the Prime Minister David Cameron, in June 2010 to drive forward the UK Government’s transparency agenda. In November 2015, its functions were taken over by the Data Steering Group and a trustee of the National Portrait Gallery, London.
The gallery houses portraits of historically important and famous British people, selected on the basis of the significance of the sitter, not that of the artist. The collection includes photographs and caricatures as well as paintings, drawings, and sculpture.
One of its best-known images is the Chandos portrait, the most famous portrait of William Shakespeare although there is some uncertainty about whether the painting actually is of the playwright.
NATIONAL GALLERY COMPANY LIMITED Company number 02280277 has no shareholders, strange. National Gallery Company Ltd (NGC) is a commercial organisation which contributes financially to the National Gallery, it is owned and operated by the National Gallery Trust (NGT), a charitable body which generates and manages additional charitable contributions to the National Gallery (NG).
The National Portrait Gallery has free admission and there are now around 2 million visits each year to the St Martin’s Place site and the Gallery employs around 258 permanent full time equivalent staff, with an average annual turnover of £16 million. Shakespeare is the former owner of the blog websites ConservativeHome and PoliticsHome, a second aim of the blog is to represent grassroots Conservatives, and whilst being independent of the Conservative Party, is supportive of it.
He was named one of the Top 20 Most Influential People in Politics in the Debrett’s 500 2015. In July 2008, The Guardian listed Shakespeare as among the top 100 media personalities in the UK, calling him “the pollster with the uncanny ability of getting it right.”

Right Wing Blog ConservativeHome
ConservativeHome is a British right-wing blog which supports, but is independent of, the Conservative Party. It was first established by Tim Montgomerie in 2005 with the aim of arguing for a broad conservative spectrum, which is serious about both social justice and a fair competitive economy.
In 2017, the blog stated that it gets over two million unique visitors a year.
In September 2009 Lord Ashcroft, the then-Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, took a controlling stake of 57.5% in PoliticsHome, the company which owns and operates ConservativeHome.
In 2011, Ashcroft sold PoliticsHome to Dod’s and retained ConservativeHome.
So this guy runs a right wing blog, and works for the government. Shakespeare was born as Stephan Kukowski in 1957 in Monchengladbach, where his German father, a journalist, was the German Press Liaison Officer at the Headquarters British Army of the Rhine. Which already sets off alarm bells about this family, anyone who was a press officer in West Germany in 1957 to the British Army was more than likely an Intelligence operative. In fact his dad was the German Press Liaison Officer of Headquarters to the entire British Army of the Rhine.
When he was five years old, the family moved to the UK, so another refugee? Who went to Mi6 training school opps I mean Oxford? Stephan was also an artist (known as Stephan Kukowski) creating the imaginary “The Brunch Museum”, together with the fluxus artist George Brecht, first exhibited in London in 1976.

Interestingly George Brecht also had another name George Ellis MacDiarmid, was an American conceptual artist and avant-garde composer. He was a key member of, and influence on, Fluxus, the international group of avant-garde artists centred on George Maciunas.
George Brecht was also a professional chemist who worked as a consultant for companies including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Mobil Oil.

After graduating from Oxford, Shakespeare took a one-year teaching course in Kingston upon Thames, during which time he was a member of the Socialist Workers’ Student Society.
Again another person seemingly flipping from Far left politics over to Far right.
He became a teacher and headmaster at Landmark West Preparatory School in Los Angeles, California in the 1980s. After marrying Rosamund Shakespeare, he exchanged his surname for that of his wife.
After returning home to the UK from the US, he taught at Charles Edward Brooke girls secondary school in Lambeth where he used his original family name, Kukowski. He’s starting to sound sinister to me why the constant change of names? He was critical of educational practices in 1990s’ Lambeth and the Evening Standard published his educational criticisms. So, another journalist (mockingbird esk?) He became involved in politics, using the name Shakespeare, first as a political commentator and then as Jeffrey Archer’s Campaign Director during and after his failed London mayoral campaign.
He was also a Conservative Party pollster. In the 1997 general election, Shakespeare was the Conservative candidate for Colchester though he was defeated by Bob Russell with a majority of 1,551. During the campaign, Margaret Thatcher, against whom he had demonstrated as a student 17 years earlier, came to Colchester to support his attempt to win the seat for the Conservatives.
Who is this guy, to get Thatcher out supporting him? An article I read said,
Stephan Shakespeare has an unrivalled ability to understand and predict political outcomes.
Within a year of founding market research and polling company YouGov he scored a major coup by predicting 2001 election victory for Labour to an accuracy of 1%. Shakespeare’s reputation as a fearsome innovator and businessman equals his political ability. YouGov has acquired major investment and now operates in the USA.
Persona building and sheep dipping
In 2000, Shakespeare founded YouGov with Nadhim Zahawi. In 2001, as of October 2014, Shakespeare owned about 6 percent of YouGov’s shares. In July 2008, The Guardian listed Shakespeare as among the top 100 media personalities in the UK, calling him “the pollster with the uncanny ability of getting it right.”
Personally I had never heard of him until we did research into the Hancock presentation.
Peter Kellner & Baroness Ashton

Peter Kellner & Baroness Ashton
Peter Kellner was the political analyst of the BBC Newsnight current affairs programme, Kellner was engaged by YouGov’s founders, Stephan Shakespeare and Nadhim Zahawi, in December 2001. When YouGov floated for £18 million in April 2005, Kellner owned 6% of the company.
He has been President of YouGov since 2007 and was its chairman from 2001–2007. He is married to Catherine Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland, a Labour Party politician and the first and former High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. This is where politics start to go mental, we have 2 conservatives, Zahawi & Shakespeare both proteges of Lord Archer both apparently approaching Mr BBC to be Chairman of YouGov.
Baroness Ashton worked for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) as an administrator and in 1982 was elected as its national treasurer and subsequently as one of its vice-chairs. MI5/6 was heavily involved in the infiltration of CND. Cathy Massiter is a British whistle-blower and former member of MI5 revealed that the British security service carried out surveillance of British trade unions, civil rights organisations and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
She is a socialist through and through, like Michie, Documents seen by The Mail on Sunday (Cathy Ashton: EU’s new ‘Foreign Minister’ was Treasurer of CND …) “suggest that from 1977 to 1979, when she was a paid CND ‘organiser’, she represented the campaign at Communist Party meetings. Some think that CND, Greenpeace etc were set up by Tavistock and MI5. In fact in a times story in 2009, Intelligence documents show that British domestic intelligence agency MI5 had tagged Peter Kellner and his wife as “communist sympathizers”, because of their anti-apartheid activism and long-term involvement with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, considered a “subversive” movement.
Kellner, who, like his wife, denied involvement with known communist groups, revealed that he was approached by a KGB operative at the 1984 Labour Party National Conference in Blackpool, England, which he was covering for left-wing The New Statesman & Society magazine. The KGB operative appears to have been Yuri Kudinov, Russian “newspaper correspondent” in London.
Today, Kudinov chairs Russia’s National Reserve Bank, a private corporation owned by veteran Ex-KGB agent Alexander Lebedev. Kellner revealed that Kudinov took him out to dinner in Blackpool, and that the two of them “met again on at least two other occasions”, until Kellner “declined more regular contact”. In 1985, Kudinov was one of 24 Soviets expelled from the UK on allegations of spying. The 24 were named by Soviet KGB Colonel Oleg Gordievsky, who had defected to the UK earlier that year, after having operated as a double agent for MI6 since 1966.

The Lebedev’s are friends of the Royal family, with son Evgeny Alexandrovich Lebedev even attending royal weddings. He is also a good friend of PM Boris Johnson as we covered in the Johnson expose back in March 2021.

To Summarize, Shakespeare
I have several questions about this Shakespeare character, there is hardly any real info about him and yet he is apparently one the most influential people in the UK.
- Why did he change his name from Kukowski?
- Who was his father, did he work for the Cold War Intelligence agencies?
- Did Shakespeare work for the Intelligence agencies infiltrating the far left as a member of the Socialist Workers Student Society.
- Why did he flip from Left Wing Labour to the Tory Far Right, helping the corrupt Baron Archer to run for Mayor. (Shakespeare went from far left a member of the Socialist Workers’ Student Society, to owning and running influential Far-Right Tory blog ConservativeHome. He also ran as a conservative candidate in Colchester).
- Why did Archer think he was the most promising of his proteges, which also included, Nadhim Zahawi, Sajid Javid, Priti Patel, Kwasi Kwarteng, Tobias Ellwood and Robert Halfon all tory MPs.
- He and Zahawi worked with Kellner who with his wife Baroness Ashton were Far Left Communist member/sympathisers, Kellner admitted he was in touch with the KGB. To working with far left communists at YouGov any one smell a rat?
- Has Shakespeare got a split personality or is using 2 aliases as a cover for undercover work Mi5/6
- Shakespeare was a board member of The Conservative friends of Israel from 2007-08, as are MPs Priti Patel, Robert Halfon and all worked for Archer at the same time
YouGov data collection, looks like a Spook operation, owned by the hedge funds like Blackrock etc who all have a leading role in the current nonsense unfolding.
Or it could be all just another coincidence

The Barzani Tribe, Kurdish Groups & Cryptic Jews
Before I begin, I would like to point out that this section is about Zahawi’s ethnic background; it is not an attack on any group of people, or their religious beliefs. This is not a point of view, this is a collection of evidence, which is verified below, that will allow you all to form your own opinions. As we know, Zahawi is of Kurdish origin, and this is mainstream knowledge, but there are a few more religious groups within the Kurdish population with different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs. Kurds, or Kurdish people are an Iranian ethnic group, which are native to a mountainous region of Western Asia known as Kurdistan, and spans south-eastern Turkey, north-western Iran, northern Iraq, and northern Syria. There are also enclaves of Kurds in Central Anatolia, Khorasan, and the Caucasus, as well as significant Kurdish diaspora communities in the cities of western Turkey (Istanbul) and Western Europe (primarily in Germany). The Kurdish population is estimated to be between 30 and 45 million.
The total number of Kurds in 1991 was placed at 22.5 million, with 48% of this number living in Turkey, 24% in Iran, 18% in Iraq, and 4% in Syria. Main religions that currently exist in Kurdistan are as follows: Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Yarsanism, Yazidism, Alevism, and Judaism. Today, Sunni Islam is the most adhered religion in Kurdistan. The Kurds are the largest ethnic minority in Iraq, comprising between 20% and 25% of the country’s population according to the CIA World Factbook.
So what religion is Nadhim Zahawi?
Saddam Hussein apparently practiced Sunni Islam, which makes up 85% of the Kurdish Religion. In Zahawi’s bio it states they fled Saddam Hussein in 1976, but Saddam Hussein didn’t come to power until 1979? Saddam Hussein played a part in the coup that brought the Ba’ath Party to power in 1967, the president in power was Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr who was Saddam’s cousin. So why did the Zahawi Family flee Iraq in 1976? 8 years after the coup? Who was Zawawi’s family?
Most people will not know that Zahawi’s grandfather was one Nadeem al-Zahawi whom Zahawi was named after, his grandfather was the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, he had his name on Dinar Notes and we know who owns the Central Banks don’t we.
So, you see it is in the bloodlines to rule

Central Bank of Iraq Governor Nadhem al-Zahawi (Granddad)
After World War I, Iraq’s monetary system was administered by the British Mandate of Mesopotamia until 1931, when the Iraq Currency Board was established in London to issue the new Iraqi dinar and maintain its reserves. The Iraq Currency Board pursued a “conservative monetary policy, maintaining very high reserves behind the dinar”, which was “further strengthened by its link to the British pound”.
In 1949, the currency board was replaced by the National Bank of Iraq, which had been founded two years before on November 16, 1947. The National Bank of Iraq became the Central Bank of Iraq in 1956. Since switching over to its own central bank, the Iraqi monetary system was “replete with mismanagement, coercive stop-gap measures, and the production of an unstable, unreliable currency which had not been tradable on the international market for many years”.
Saddam Hussein wielded monetary and the dinar as “a powerful instrument of repression”. After the fall of Saddam Hussein’s government, the Central Bank of Iraq was established as Iraq’s independent central bank by the Central Bank of Iraq Law 2004, with authorised capital of 100 billion dinars. According to the law, 100% of the bank’s capital stock would be held by the State and would not be transferable.
The Constitution of Iraq states that the central bank is a financially and administratively independent institution, responsible before the Council of Representatives of Iraq. According to the Constitution, the Federal government of Iraq has the “exclusive authority” of “establishing and administering a central bank”
Incidentally The Mandate for Mesopotamia, in a memorandum written on 22 April 1918, listed the social groups that the British should support: the Jewish community in Baghdad, the notables in Baghdad and Basra, the rich landowning Arabs and Jews, and the Shaikhs of sedentary tribes
The Central Bank of Iraq (BOI) have $50bn in reserves and owe over $150bn and could rise to over $300bn according to the CFR. It is important to understand the Elites have never left the region. The current president Barham Salih attended Cardiff University & University of Liverpool he also holds dual Iraqi and UK passports.
Since 2004 when Saddam was toppled all 4 Presidents of Iraq have had EU or US educations, like Jalal Talabani the 2nd he also holds Citizenship of Iraq, and the United Kingdom. And the last 3 leaders of Iraq have all been Kurds.

Herath Zahawi (father)
- Nadim Zahawi’s father – Herath Zahawi once declared bankrupt, but still managed to put his 2 kids through private school etc
- Bankruptcy is a wonderful way to get someone to do something for you especially old friends from back home.
- Herath is 72 and enjoys huge contracts from a company set up after the 2003 US led invasion of Iraq
- The company is called IPBD or Iraq Project Business Development and was an early CPA Coalition Provisional Authority after the invasion to fill its pockets with rebuilding Iraq
- IPBD is a steel manufacturing company which pays Zahawi & Zahawi Ltd, IPBD was set up by Herath Zahawi and benefits from his sons position.

Barzani Links
Zahawi has influential contacts and is friends with the prominent and powerful Masoud Barzani who was President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq from 2005 to 2017. Barzani was born in the self-declared Republic of Mahabad, and succeeded his father Mustafa Barzani as leader of the KDP in 1979
Nec-hir-van Idris Barzani is now President of the Kurdistan Region
The Barzani tribe is a term for both the Kurdish Barzani tribe and for the confederation of various neighbouring tribes inhabiting Barzan in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
The Barzan tribe is mostly Naqsh-bandi and is one of the most influential tribes in Kurdistan. It is furthermore claimed that the Barzan tribe converted to Islam, and also has Jewish members.
The Barzani family is the ruling family of Kurdistan, Zahawi is very close to the Barzani’s and has been since the early-mid 90s. The Barzani’s have in fact ruled over every area for centuries. The Barzani family have in fact been the de facto rulers of the Middle East’s autonomous Kurdistan region, and are currently based in the mountains of north of Baghdad, Iraq.
Members of the Barzani family allegedly control a large number of commercial enterprises in Iraqi Kurdistan, with a gross value of several billion dollars, although no evidence of such ownership by Masoud Barzani himself exists.
Masoud’s son is PM of Kurdistan and his nephew is President. It is thought that some of the Barzani family converted from Christianity to Muslim in the 19C, and that some converted to and from Judaism as well. In fact some of the Barzani Family actually have the star of David on their headstones in Israel.
As an example of this – Moshe Barazani, (also Barzani) was an Iraqi-born Kurdish Jew and a member of Lehi “Freedom Fighters of Israel,” an underground movement during the Jewish insurgency in Palestine.
The Barzani Family have also used KGB, CIA, MOSSAD & Mi6 support. It should be noted that the Kurdistan region has rich oil reserves.

In an article in the Guardian from 14th Dec 2016 the headline read,
MP stands to make £1.5m from Kurdistan oil company sale
A Conservative MP will receive a pay out of nearly £1.5m if the sale completes on the Kurdistan-based oil company for which he has worked with since July 2015 alongside representing his constituents in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Nadhim Zahawi, who acts as chief strategy officer for Gulf Keystone, was granted “performance units” on Monday shortly before it emerged that China’s state-owned oil company Sinopec was in talks to buy the company, which is currently valued at about £350m.
His stake and that of two other directors would be worth 2% if the business is sold in the next year, valuing the overall holding at least £7m. The MP’s share would amount to £1.4m, a fifth of the directors’ pot.
Zahawi joined Gulf Keystone in July 2015 last year. As chief strategy officer he earns a monthly salary of £20,125 – over £240,000 a year. He has also been receiving regular bonus payments of up to £26,000 for advising the company.
The MP is also a member of the foreign affairs select committee and has led a series of visits by British MPs to the politically sensitive Kurdistan region. Last January, Zahawi organised a visit to Kurdistan for Boris Johnson, now the foreign secretary, after which Johnson called for closer ties between the UK and the region. A few months later, Zahawi hosted a meeting in the region’s capital, Erbil, for British politicians and the Kurdistan president, Masoud Barzani.
The Zoom Call
Also, in a ZOOM conference call that included KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, ex PM Sir John Major (good friends with Baron Archer), & Nadhim Zahawi MP,
KRG UK Representation in partnership with APPG on Kurdistan Region marks the 30th Anniversary of Kurdistan Uprising and Sir John Major’s safe haven initiative
Nadhim Zahawi MP took part in the event and shared his experience as a young Kurd who campaigned and marched in London against the tyranny and genocide that was committed by Saddam Hussein’s regime.
He said: “I will never forget those scenes of the mountains after Saddam’s army have been pushed back from Kuwait and the Kurdish people had risen up for their rights but were being attacked by that tyrannical dictator.” He added:
“The Kurdish people have since those early days continued to rely on themselves to build that democracy and tolerant society that welcomes people of all religion to the lands of the Kurds.”
In the early 20th century, Kurdish Jews numbered between 20,000 and 30,000, and lived in towns and villages from Iran to Iraq.
The Kurdish Jews were highly regarded throughout Kurdistan, and when, in the 1950’s, most Kurdish Jews emigrated to Israel, left behind neighbours and friends who took care of their friend’s synagogues, in some cases for years. Today, almost all the Jewish Kurds live in Israel, numbering around 200,000.
Also, we found evidence that his grandfather BOI ended up in Israel, which also coincides with the fact that a minority of Kurds are in fact Jewish.
Or Cryptic Jews hence the banking link, I think in some way, Zahawi is blood related to the Barzani Tribe. (That’s my opinion only, no evidence yet)

Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi
I found one possible link to Zahawi that could explain the bloodlines. Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi is a famous Kurdish poet and philosopher. If you recall, Nadhim al-Zahawi, the Governor of the BOI – the Kurdistan Board of Investment, was Zahawi’s grandfather. They most likely dropped the ‘al’ when they arrived in the UK in 1976.
Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi was regarded as one of the greatest contemporary poets of the Arab world and was known for his defence of women’s rights. Jamil was born on 18 June 1963 in Baghdad. He is a descendant of a prominent family of Kurdish origin – his father was the Mufti of Iraq and a member of the scholarly Baban clan.

“His father, who was partial to Jamil’s intelligence and quick temper, decided to raise the boy himself. His father taught him poetry from a very young age and encouraged him to develop an inquisitive mind.”
He was raised in Baghdad, where he was initially educated in kuttab (Q’ranic school). He did not receive a formal education; instead his father engaged private tutors to teach him science, rhetoric and grammar. He may have gained some formal education in jurisprudence, logic, astronomy and exegesis, although details are sketchy.
However, it is clear that he was mostly self-taught, using books, especially translations of European works on science and philosophy. Through his father, he participated in Baghdad’s literary society by attending majalis (social gatherings of the literary elite)
In 1896, he was invited to Istanbul. Between 1896 and 1898, he based himself in Istanbul but also travelled to Yemen on an Imperial decree, as part of a delegation to carry out reforms. In Istanbul, he was appointed Professor of Islamic Studies at the Malakki School and Professor of Arabic Literature at the University of Istanbul.
While in Bagdad he was exiled for his outspoken views, by the despotic Hamidi regime and forced to return to Istanbul in around 1908. In Istanbul, he worked for the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), also known as the Young Turks. The Committee of Union and Progress was a secret revolutionary organization and political party active between 1889 and 1926 in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey. It is well known that the Young Turks were supported by Britain and British secret services
After Iraq’s independence in 1921, he was elected to parliament twice and appointed to the upper chamber (1925–29). He also had the opportunity to read Arabic Translations of Western poetry & works by Shakespeare.
Who would have thought that a possible relative of Jamil’s would be working with a man from MI6 who changed his name to Shakespeare? Just another cryptic clue in the scooby trail.
Jamil’s father was the Mufti of Iraq and a member of the scholarly Baban clan. The Mufti is an Islamic jurist qualified to issue a nonbinding opinion (fatwa) on a point of Islamic law (sharia). The act of issuing fatwas is called iftāʾ. Muftis and their fatwas played an important role throughout Islamic history, taking on new roles in the modern era.
Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi was of the scholarly Baban clan. Baban was a Kurdish principality existing from the 16th century to 1850, centered around Sulay-maniyah. The modern city of Sulaymaniyah was built by Baban in 1784 which served as their capital. Prior to the founding of the city, the dynasty lived in Qala Çolan. Sulay-man-iyah also called Slemani, is a city in the east of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, not far from the Iran–Iraq border. founded in 1784 by the Kurdish prince Ibrahim Pasha Baban
In 1820, only 26 years after the creation of the city, a British man named Rech visited the city and estimated that its population was more than ten thousand, containing 2,144 families of which 2,000 were Muslim, 130 Jewish, and 14 Christian When the Brits entered Sulaymaniyah in 1918, the city was no longer under the influence of the Baban dynasty.
Descendants of the dynasty joined the Kurdish independence movement in Iraq, while others became Ottoman politicians
So Zahawi may have ambitions to take back his ancestral homeland, or at least the oil.

Le Cercle
I was passed this bit of information from someone and this shows synchronicity at its best. Unbeknown I was already researching Zahawi having done a small piece on him in the Hancock presentation which was the first Meet the Flockers expose.
But her information sent me in a totally new direction, that was both intriguing and scary. Zahawi is a member of an ultra-secret organisation that is invite only, not only is he a member but Nadeem Zahawi was the Chairman from 2015.
Incidentally you may remember another Archer protégé, Kwasi Kwarteng MP well he was also the chairman of Le Cercle apparently and in 2008, he received financial assistance from Le Cercle to attend a conference in Washington DC and in 2019 he was funded by the same group to attend a meeting in Bahrain. This organisation like a few of the others we have covered like Hakyult, is basically a spy network operating without the usual handcuffs and red tape of government.

Operating behind the curtain then bringing about policy changes, acting out espionage against us, this group has been linked with, assassinations and murders, child trafficking, banking corruption, and it is also part of Opus Dei group, the religious Roman Catholic sect/army etc. I have read that this group makes the Bilderbergers look like rank Amateurs, they remind me of Operation Gladio.
The Group I am talking about is called Le Cercle, most of you probably haven’t heard of it but in this section, I will give you a little insight into what it is and what it does and what is has been linked with. Make no mistake by being a member of Le Cercle, Zahawi has thrown his hat in the ring with the Black Nobility, the Pan European elites, the City of London Banking rulers, which is basically the Vatican owned by the Jesuits and Rothschild concerns.
We will see why that this man and others are following orders from this group, there have been a lot of MPs in the past who have been involved, in fact this group has been run by British Intelligence since its conception. It is now clear Zahawi is not on the side of the UK population but on the side of the New World Order agenda. And in this last section we will show some of the characters from Le Cercle.
In a fantastic piece on the a full story can be read, and I suggest you read it to get a picture of what this underground organisation is, we could do a full series on Le Cercle.
Le Cercle is a secretive, invitation-only foreign policy forum. Its focus has been opposing Communism (or so it says) and, in the 1970s and 1980s, supporting apartheid when the group had intimate ties with and funding from South Africa. The group was described by British Conservative MP Alan Clark as “an Atlanticist society of right-wing dignitaries”. An article from Gary Jordan author of ‘The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies’, says
Le Cercle was established in 1952-53 Established by Freemason, Opus Dei member and Nazi collaborator, Jean Violet, along with former Prime Minister of France and Bilderberg Group Founding Member, Antoine Pinay and the last emperor of Austria, Otto von Habsburg
David Teacher, Author of the fantastic Rogue Agents, wrote that
“The Cercle complex can be seen to be an international coalition of right-wing intelligence veterans, working internationally to promote top conservative politicians who would shape the world.”
Germans, Konrad Adenauer and Franz Josef Strauss were also co-founders and reconciliation between France and Germany was an important goal. Jean-Eugène Violet was a lawyer and spook described by David Teacher as the right-hand man of Antoine Pinay. Violet worked for the SDECE (French intelligence service), and was an influential behind-the-scenes actor in the post-World War II Europe, Violet also worked with Opus Dei. Another group cloaked in secrecy with members scattered throughout governments, banking and business

Opus Dei (Latin: “Work of God”) is a Roman Catholic lay and clerical organization whose members seek personal Christian perfection and strive to implement Christian ideals and values in their occupations and in society as a whole. Theologically conservative, Opus Dei accepts the teaching authority of the church without question and has long been the subject of controversy; it has been accused of secrecy, cultlike practices, and political ambitions.
Konrad Adenauer Chancellor of (West Germany) apparently established a good working relationship with the British military authorities. Franz Josef Strauss fought for Hitler and after the war he served as translator for the U.S.Army. He called himself Franz Strauß until soon after the war when he started using his middle name Josef as well
Just to give us a taste of who Strauss was, Strauss stated in a letter to the HIAG in March 1957:
“I think you know how I personally think about the front-line units of the Waffen-SS. They are included in my admiration for the German soldiers of the last world war.”
Le Cercle is a fascist Organisation, and has been linked to satanic rituals involving Children, also to Marc Dutroux the Belgian child abductor
Here’s what author Gary Jordan said in a blog about Zahawi, in a piece called;
The Dark, Fascist Connections Of The UK’s Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi
More troubling than any of this is the connection between Le Cercle’s Bonvoisin and Boeynants and the well-known Marc Dutroux child abduction and murders that rocked the nation of Belgium in the mid-1990s. Soon after Dutroux’s arrest and with the eyes of the public planted firmly on the case, many witnesses began to come forward to speak of abuse at the hands of a paedophile ring, which they had attempted to report in the past, only to be ignored and rejected. It became very apparent that the lowly Dutroux was part of a much wider network of child abusers in the country. Dutroux himself has on many occasions stated that he was involved in the kidnapping of children as a means to earn money via trafficking and that he would subsequently supply powerful and wealthy individuals with the abducted kids. Several victims would begin to give testimony and named some of Belgium’s most powerful men, such as police commissioners, judges, bankers and politicians,
The witness testimony that came forth from the victims of the Belgian paedophile cult was solid and immensely credible. Some who were interviewed had indeed known each other as part of the networks that they were dragged into as children, but at the time of testimony, none of them had been in contact with each other for years and were unaware of the other’s accusations.
During their interviews, five of the witnesses named Le Cercle members, Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants as their abusers and described an entrapment and blackmail operation in which high-target individuals were raping underage girls.
Indeed, on a side note, this raises further questions about Nadhim Zahawi’s involvement with another group (this one made up primarily of wealthy businessmen), in the form of a so-called charitable trust in the UK, known as the President’s Club. Zahawi attended a men’s-only dinner organised by the (now defunct) charity in 2018 in which female staff reported been subjected to sexual harassment and touched inappropriately, it was also visited in 2008 by serial paedophile Jimmy Saville, and in 2010 by Italian businessman and former Jeffrey Epstein associate, Flavio Briatore.
At every stage of Le Cercle’s existence, there is to be found major controversy, criminality, and corruption. Their membership list, past and present, reads like a who’s who of the one percent and transcends nationality, political allegiance, and religious beliefs. It includes American Neo-Cons like Paul Bremer, Richard Perle and Zbigniew Brzezinski, British ex-MI6 officers like Anthony and Andrew Cavendish, former CIA directors like William Casey and William Colby, Russian politicians like Yegor Gaidar and Arkady Shevchenko, Israeli Zionists like Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Peres and Dan Meridor and Arab Royalty like Sultan Qaboos bin Said and Prince Turki Bin Faisal Al Saud.
Shadow governments, such as the one recently led by Britain’s Vaccine Minister, I believe are best summed up by a man called Gene Wheaton – a former security contractor who later became an insider and began speaking out about what he witnessed while working with Le Cercle Member, Ted Shackley. As the head of the group’s US affairs through his Atlantic Cercle corporation in Miami, Florida, Shackley a former CIA officer, represented the mentality of the participants of such shady groups. As Wheaton said.
“This crowd really believes that the unwashed masses are ignorant, that we are people who are not capable of governing ourselves, that we need this elitist group to control the country, and the world……My experience with them is that they could be certified as criminally insane and put away in a rubber room and have the key thrown away. That’s how dangerous they are. But they’re powerful, and they’re educated. And that makes them twice as dangerous. And that’s basically what’s running the world right now.”
Le Cercle, sample agenda from 1979. An agenda presented by Brian Crozier noted that its goal to change the British Government had been changed by the election of Margaret Thatcher and among others listed the following objectives:
“Undercover financial transactions for political aims”.
“International campaigns aiming to discredit hostile personalities or events”
“Creation of a (private) intelligence service specialising in a selective point of view”
Le cercle Chairman from 1953-2018
1953–1971: Antoine Pinay
1971–1980: Jean Violet
1980–1985: Brian Crozier
Early in life he believed in communism, as a reaction to the Great Depression and to Adolf Hitler, but he later changed his philosophy and worked to combat communism. Crozier worked as the director of Forum World Features, set up in 1966 by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, which had ties to the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He stated in 1975 that Forum World Features had broken all ties to the CIA when he became its director in the 1960s.
1985–1993: Julian Amery or Baron Amery of Lustleigh
Jewish and Ultra Pro-Zionist, his father wrote the first draft of the Balfour Declaration, who was also a trustee of the Rhodes Trust. Julian his son worked closely with the Rothschilds.
1993–1996: Jonathan Aitken
Mi6 Agent, He served as a war correspondent during the 1960s in Vietnam and Biafra, and gained a reputation for risk-taking when he took LSD in 1966 as an experiment for an article in the London Evening Standard and had a bad trip: “this drug needs police, the Home Office and a dictator to stamp it out”

1996–2008: Norman Lamont Baron Lamont of Lerwick
Before entering Parliament, he worked for N M Rothschild & Sons, the investment bank, and became director of Rothschild Asset Management. In 2008, he became the President of the Economic Research Council, Britain’s oldest economics-based think tank.
2008–2013: Michael Ancram 13th Marquess of Lothian, Baron Kerr of Monteviot.
Ancram was a founding signatory in 2005 of the Henry Jackson Society principles, advocating a proactive approach to the spread of liberal democracy across the world, including when necessary by military intervention.
2013–2014: MP Rory Stewart OBE. Stewart’s father, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, was a colonial official and diplomat who in the 1970s was a candidate to become the Chief of the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service or MI6
2015–2017: Nadhim Zahawi
2018 Kwasi Kwarteng
For information on Nadhim Zahawi, and Kwasi Kwarteng, please refer to earlier paragraphs above.
The individuals named above, are the stereo-types that are currently driving the narrative, and Zahawi is one of them, a ‘soldier of fortune’ willing to volunteer to push the plan, by subjecting the human race to the terror and tyranny we have all been experiencing. History will eventually judge all of these people, they are evil to the core; they do NOT care about you, me, your families, or your innocent children; they just want what they believe is ‘rightfully theirs’ which is everything!
Le Cercle is just one of many groups who are part of this take-over, who have been working collectively behind the scenes on a corporate deal, where the winnings will ultimately be divided up, and the spoils then shared between them all with blood dripping from their fangs.
As I said I could have gone on for hours about Le Cercle, but this episode is about one individual, Nadeem Zahawi.
Crypto Jewish? Maybe
Linked to the oil business, yes
Banking, yes
Intelligence Services, yes
Corrupt, Yes
Zahawi is one of those people who seems willing to follow the mantra and ideologies for the elites, as long as it greases the tracks for him, in my view he is short-sighted.
The elites will gladly sacrifice people like Zahawi when required. These entities will have to answer to a higher calling when their times come.
See you all next time
Dom Waterson – Sheep Farm