What are food additives?
I knew when I decided to write this article, I was going to enjoy doing it, rather sad I know. In the previous article about processed foods. I realised that I would have to write a series of articles, about the effect of preservatives & the common ingredients in processed foods. These food additives are linked to diseases like cancer, heart disease and raised blood sugar, and more.
But in the interests of time, we are going to pick on my favourite food villain, McDonald’s. Or as I like to call them McStatin’s. If you asked even the most loyal McDoughnut customer, what are the ingredient lists of a Big Mac? Would they know? What about salad dressings, beef patty’s or even McDonalds Fries ingredients.
I mean, honestly, who looks at the ingredient labels, right?
The Effect of preservatives on the body, Specifically:
McDonalds Burger Ingredients
Let’s get straight into it, no point beating about the bush. Most food additives are there for taste improvement. Preservatives are used to extend the shelf life of food products. Whether it’s fast food or packaged foods all these processed foods contain them.
Would it surprise you to know that in one Original McDonalds Rubber Hamburger there are nearly 50 ingredients (and that’s without plastic cheese!). Your burger will still contain high fructose corn syrup, processed meat with a suspect natural beef flavour. There are more, some ingredients fall into the ‘irrelevant quantity amount to qualify for the label’ category too.
McDs forget to mention that although the beef patty is apparently 100% beef it doesn’t mean it’s 100% beef. For example, Tropicana say their Fresh Orange is Fresh. But it goes through a pasteurisation process, then it’s frozen. Tropicana then use ‘flavour packets’ in their juice, for taste. This is not my idea of FRESH! These additives are also supplied to cosmetic companies for perfume and cologne. The scary thing is by law they have no legal requirement to list these additives.
Don’t be too surprised that the 100% natural beef flavour is probably the same. It’s all in the wording, 100% beef, legally correct, morally wrong.
The beef was probably fed on GMO food sources, that were sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Meat will contain residue, from veterinary drugs, like wormers, antibiotics, vaccinations and some livestock are even given growth hormones.
Does it sound like it’s 100% beef now? Also, the burger bun has about 20 ingredients of its own. Throw in the relishes, ketchup etc and we have a toxic burger.

Here are some of the ingredients in your natural beef flavour big mac.
Bun Ingredients:
In a study, researchers applied infusions of propanoic acid into the brains of mice. These mice developed symptoms of autism.
DATEM OR e472 (Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids)
Possible health issues; Heart fibrosis and adrenal overgrowth (found in studies).
Can contribute to, diabetes, obesity, weight gain, heart disease, dementia and metabolic syndrome.

World Famous, McDonalds Fries Ingredients.
Believe it or not, there are 19 ingredients in McStatin French Fries. They are deep-fried in overused carcinogenic vegetable oils. They use a potato called a Russet it comes in a variety of types. They are all sprayed with our family favourites, pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer’s. Some are GMO. These residues aren’t on the ingredient lists.
McDonalds Fries Ingredients:
Russet Potatoes, Vegetable Oil, (Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated Soybean Oil and Canola Oil), Natural Beef Flavor (inc. wheat and milk derivatives), Citric Acid, Dextrose (sugar), Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate*, Salt.
Then they are prepared in Vegetable Oils (Corn Oil, Canola Oil, Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated Soybean Oil with TBHQ* and Citric Acid). Dimethylpolysiloxane*.
NB. Soybean Oils & Canola Oil, all probably GMO.

*Side Effects
Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate* – Allergic Reactions, like skin rash, itching, wheezing, swelling of the face. Upset stomach, throwing up. Bone and joint pain. Blood in urine, bladder pain. Mood changes, feeling confused. Muscle cramps and seizures. Weight gain.
Dimethylpolysiloxane*- Cataract, corneal abrasion. Respiratory distress syndrome, fever, hypoxia, dyspnea, altered mental status, skin conditions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and digestive system issues.
Tertiary Butylhydroquinone or TBHQ* – Vision disturbances, liver enlargement, neurotoxic effects, convulsions, paralysis in lab animals and attention deficit disorder. It is a possible carcinogen.
Everyone loves a hot dog or a burger but this processed food is killing us, literally. The Telegraph wrote in 2015 that McPlastic Nuggets contain 40 different ingredients. I’m not going to go into all of them because they are pretty similar to everything above.
Some ingredients in cleaning products are carcinogenic, and we wouldn’t drink them. But we eat chemicals in processed foods that cause the same diseases. As a treat, we must be mad. People talk about everything being ok in moderation. Would you drink bleach in moderation or Dulux paint?
So, if you are wondering what’s causing modern illness. You need look no further than processed fast food. It has to be up there with sugar, industrial chemicals, EMFs, alcohol and prescription drug side effects.
I know McDs have copped for it in this article. But I could have also used, Dominos, KFC, Burger King, Subway, Costa, Krispy Kremes, and TGI Fridays and more. These fast-food restaurants have a lot to answer for. They are poisoning our children by hooking them young, and feeding them toxic food. But we have a choice too.
This is not real food, it has no nutritional value. The only thing it does is make us ill. And the consequences are scary indeed. In a recent report, medical experts laid out the problem. It said that Millennials will be the first generation to either become ill or die before their parents.This is happening now.
Things have changed. We have to change.
*Disclaimer – Please note, we are not Doctors or trained medical professionals. We are not giving medical advice. Check with your Doctor or health practitioner before trying anything.
European Food Safety Authority
The Guardian
The Independent
Foundation Medical Review
The Link Between Calcium Propionate and Autism: Why Changing Your Diet May Not Be Enough