SF86 Meet the Flockers WEF Machiavellian Parasites Part 1/2

Record Details


30 people sit on the WEF Board of Trustees, on their website they call these people ‘exceptional individuals’.

They are the ones managing the plan we see unfolding in front of our eyes.

Machiavellian Parasites follows on from the initial 3.5-hour docu-podcast about Sir Klaus Schwab, and The Schwabian Agenda – Sleepers docu-podcast about the WEF Young Global Leaders.

We also covered the Chrystia Freeland who was a YGL, we also did 2 docu-podcasts about Justin Trudeau who was also a YGL.

In fact, we have done nearly 20 hours’ worth of podcasts covering the WEF in the last 12 months.

WEF Board of Trustees – Machiavellian Parasites features many of the key players who sit on the WEF Board of Trustees.

We start with David Gregan, board member of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, and the man who interviewed Schwab at the Harvard Business School in 2017.

The interview when Schwab famously said ‘Vee have infiltrated ze cabinets of ze world!’

Or words to that effect, as usual this goes deep into the heart of the parasite.