[SF143] Dom & Chris Chat With Carla Adams [23/09/23]

Record Details


Carla Adams is an author from the USA, her newly published book, Ancestral River: A Spiritual Journey for the Living and the Dead is now on my to buy list, because me and Chris found the subject matter fascinating.

In this discussion Carla talked about the sound waves of tuning forks, inner healing from fear, sadness, and unworthiness from traumas in life, including: gestational fear, increasing our senses and intuition through biofield work and meditation. Carla has used hypnosis to remember the Oneness before our lives on earth. Some of the things we found interesting were the discussions about ancestral attachments that carry low voltage charges, communicating with ancestors and the hierarchy in the afterlife.

Carla’s Website

For Carla’s Book

Ancestral River: A Spiritual Journey for the Living and the Dead
Amazon Link
