Today we will be looking into the controversial use of human tissues or more specifically Growth Modified Human Foetus Cells in food, drink and pharmaceutical products .
This information may surprise and shock some of you it did me several years ago when I started researching this for myself.
Personally, I feel I have a duty to put this type of information out there once I learn about it.
The rest is then up to you to make your own decisions and come to your own conclusions, from the information.
Here are the questions I will be asking
Why are the food and drug industries using human recumbent cells lines?
What products contain human remains?
What could be the impact of this type of product on our health?

Soylent Green
A film that terrified me in the 70s was Soylent Green. It was an adaptation of a book called Make Room! Make Room by Harry Harrison, written in 1966.
I remember watching this film at my grandma & grandads while they were babysitting me and my brother. I was about 9, far too young to watch it, and it gave me nightmares.
The film version (1973) starred Charlton Heston who played a cop in a dystopian world.
He worked out that the governments supplied food source, was made from human remains.
Soylent was a word made up from Soy and Lentils.
“A nightmarish futuristic fantasy about the controlling power of big corporations and an innocent cop who stumbles on the truth”
But are we living Soylent Green? (1)

Are Human Cells Used in Food and Drug Products?
I do have my own theories as to why they are used, but my articles are always based on the facts available, from mainstream sources.
I never want to bias anything I write with my theories.
Do food and drug companies use aborted foetus cells in the production process of food, drink, and pharmaceutical products?
Are there traces of human remains left in these products?
Can I prove this?
Yes (2)
So here goes.
Below is part of the leaflet in the MMR Vaccine showing it is produced using and contains WI-38 Human Diploid Lung Fibroblasts, and a headline showing PepsiCo’s use of Sweetmyx S617 made by Senomyx. (3) (4)

What are Human Cell Lines?
Here are 4 examples, there are more:
HEK 293 cells (Human Embryonic Kidney) were taken from an aborted foetus in the 1970s in the Netherlands. (12) There are many different variants of HEK 293.
WI–38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted foetus of about 3 months gestational age. (13)
MRC–5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts, originally developed from research deriving lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male foetus. (14)
PER c6 created from retinal tissue of 18-week gestation aborted foetus. Developed in 1985, PER C6 is the growth medium for a wide variety of human disease-causing viruses. (15)

Companies that use HEK293, WI-38, MRC-5 & PER c6
HEK293 Senomyx (Firmenich)
Sweetmyx S617 made by Senomyx is now owned by Global Swiss firm Firmenich who make fragrances and flavours, (5). Firmenich bought Senomyx in 2018. Senomyx was previously listed on the NASDAQ. (6)
Firmenich has 10,000 employees and sales revenues of around $4.3bn.
Senomyx caused a stir when it was realised its range of products like Sweetmyx S617 contained and used human aborted foetus cells in its production.
Taste Receptor Type 1 Member, (TAS1R1, TAS1R2, & TAS1R3) are proteins that are encoded in the TAS1R1, TAS1R2 & TAS1R3 genes in humans. (8)
The process also uses cloned rodent cells in production. (mice mT1R3 & rat rT1R3)
These are the cells that recognise sweetness (9) in foods and drink, such as sucrose, saccharin, dulcin and acesulfame-K.
Senomyx owns the Patent for this technology, application number: 200802214784 (2008-09-04). (7)
In this patent is shows the use of human foetal cells in the production of TAS1R1, TAS1R2, & TAS1R3. In a different section, the patent also shows the use of mouse and rat cells.
‘Sweetmyx S617 is one of the food industry’s answers to our nation’s unhealthy obsession with sugar. The artificial ingredient, one of several similar additives developed by Senomyx, helps food and beverage companies reduce the calorie content of their products by amplifying the sweetness of sugar and other sweeteners’(10) (11)
These were Senomyx brands: Complimyx ®, Sweetmyx ®, Savorymyx ®, and Bittermyx ®
Senomyx has no website that I could find.
Firmenich have rebranded above Senomyx products, in their TasteGEM range: TasteGEM™, SweetGEM™, SucralGEM™, SucroGEM™.
These are called taste modulators or taste enhancers.
Below is Firmenich’s blurb, sounds pretty much the same as Senomyx’s statement above. I think since the controversies about the use of foetal cells, they have rebranded their offerings.
The global increase of sugar consumption is resulting in a rise in health concerns such as obesity and diabetes. Firmenich provides flavour solutions to customers looking for new and innovative ways to address sugar issues – while still providing consumers with tasty products.
Firmenich’s TasteGEM® portfolio is our most advanced range of technical flavour solutions, designed to make healthier food and ensure beverages taste great.
Innovations from TasteGEM® enable our customers to reformulate their brands and create new products that meet consumer demand for healthier foods and beverages. Our newest TasteGEMs® provide solutions for a wide range of product categories including beverage, dairy, sweet and savoury. TasteGEM® provides comprehensive flavour solutions for restoring authentic taste using balanced flavour keys and tools that restore the sensory profile’ (14)
Below is a news video regarding Senomyx, notice how they don’t seem too concerned about eating human body parts.
Below image (left) is a section of Senomyx’s patent application showing the use of Human Cells (HEK293) to view full patent follow this link (15)
Below image (right) is Coke’s 10 year extension deal with Senomyx in 2010.

PER.C6 Cells) Sanofi (Revenue $42bn with a market cap of 124bn)
President Bush’s Cell-Culture Technology
In April 2002, another supplier Sanofi Pasteur was awarded a $97 million contract from the US Health and Human Services Department (HHS) to speed the production process for new cell-culture influenza vaccines. Sanofi Pasteur will be using PER.C6 cell-culture. The PER.C6-based pandemic flu vaccine will be the first influenza vaccine developed using human cell production technology. Herein lies the problem. The PER.C6 human cell-culture comes from an aborted foetus. (17)
(WI-38 Cells) Merck (Revenue $42bn, Market cap of $205bn)
What M-M-RVAXPRO (MMR) contains: WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts. (18)
(MRC-5 Cells) GlaxoSmithKline (Revenue £34bn, Market cap of £71bn)
Ambirix/Twinrix, Hepatitis A and B vaccine, Produced on human diploid (MRC-5) cells. (19)
Video Below that is Dr Stanley Plotkin talking about why Human Cells are used in vaccines. He’s known as ‘The Godfather of Vaccines’.
Why Do the Food and Drug Companies Use Human Cells?
I think I have clearly shown that in the production of certain drug and food products, human foetal cells are used as excipients and additives. In fact, it is beyond question.
But why do they use human remains for these purposes?
In the case of Senomyx now part of the Swiss global fragrance and flavour company, Firmenich, this human DNA holds the genetic code for our taste receptors. (TAS1R1, TAS1R2, & TAS1R3)
When added to food or drink they then enhance taste, in this case sweetness, meaning food and drink manufacturers could use less sugar therefore appear to be healthier and cheaper to make.
Pharmaceutical companies use human cells in vaccine production. They also use other animal genetic cell lines from Monkeys (Kidney), Dogs (Kidney) along with Rat and Mouse DNA, they also use Chicken embryos (eggs).
Cells from animals also contain other bacteria, parasites and viruses thought too small to be of concern to humans. It was thought not cost effective to take out these exotic infections from vaccines.
These cell lines are used to cultivate the infections (bacteria/viruses). They are GMO cells that grow unabated continuously and become immortal cells. These are then injected into us, or we ingest them.
Q. What other disease kills 10m people every year worldwide from immortal cell production?
A. Cancer.
Please see image below (left), of MRC-5 human cells, this is taken from the CDC’s Vaccine Excipient Summary of the MMR Vaccine.
Image (right) is from and shows Novartis’s Optaflu Vaccine Injection, which contains Madin Darby Canine Kidney (Cocker Spaniel MDCK) cells.
An excipient;
‘An inactive substance that serves as the vehicle or medium for a drug or other active substance’

My final thoughts on this article are, how did we get here?
Is using human tissues in food cannibalism? I think so.
What about the use of human tissues in medication and vaccines? Let us put the moral issues to one side for a minute.
What could the health impact be on fertility for example, if a boy is injected with female DNA or a girl with male DNA? Not just for them but for future generations.
Mix this in with endocrine system changing plastics and chemicals, that change our hormones and BOOM.
Houston, we have another problem to add to the rest!
Have you ever been told that these products contain Human Body Parts?
Either by a governmental department, by a Dr or has it been on any of the TV News channels, Papers, magazines, or social media, and what about the celebs that push these products, have they told you.
NO is the answer.
My personal opinion is that, the use of Human Aborted foetal tissue in food and drugs is wrong on every level, it is now up to you to make your decision.
Here’s a flavour (pun intended) of some of the companies that were shown to use additives that include human remains as ingredients in their products (there are more);
Kraft (Cadbury’s), Pepsi, Coca-Cola, 7-Up, Nestle, Starbucks, Gatorade, Oreo, Lays & Walkers Crisps, Quaker Oats, & Pharmaceutical companies.
*Disclaimer – Please note, we are not Doctors or trained medical professionals. We are not giving medical advice. Check with your Doctor or health practitioner before trying anything.
References and Sources of Information;